Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful

Thursdays 7 pm Eastern and Sundays 4 pm Eastern

While we are experimenting with many different ways to Be Love, Be Honest and Be Useful in this new collaborative our ZOOM Gatherings are central. ZOOM fills a great need right now for deeper direct connections with one another. It is a format that allows us to be both in solitude and community. Tuning in from the freedom of our own homes we can have intimate connections with others that is safe and easily accessible.

All gatherings are open to all.

Our Thursday gatherings are a totally open free form space with no particular religious or spiritual theme beyond the commitment to show up in love, speak honestly and be useful to one another.

Our Sunday gatherings bring Christ and the vision of the New Church explicitly into the circle, with monthly themes that include Holy Communion (BE LOVE), Baptism (BE HONEST), and Anointing (BE USEFUL).

We are looking to add one more weekday gathering time that would bring Helen Keller and her writing and inspiration into the circle. Get in touch ([email protected]) if you would be interested in participating!

Request our ZOOM link

What to Expect

Gatherings are every Thursday 7pm Eastern and Sunday 2 pm Eastern on Zoom
Be love.

We will begin with 12 minutes to Be Love together. What does that look like? I’ll offer a meditation to ground us, but for these 12 minutes you do you!  Maybe for you Be Love means checking in with your body and taking care of its needs, making a sandwich or a cup of tea.  Maybe you have a devotional practice or a breathing practice or a prayer or meditation or movement practice that helps you remember that you are love.  12 minutes to come into the present moment, noticing and accepting what’s there, and touching if possible that essential level beneath all joys and pleasures, sorrows and frustrations where everything ultimately is okay.

Be honest.

Then we will take time to Be Honest with each other.  Each person is given 7 minutes to share.  Be honest about what?  How we are growing.  How we are being challenged/thwarted/tested/tried.  How we are being beckoned / called / inspired / consoled.  What meaning and hope and understanding and peace are we finding / making / learning from it all.  For many of us this may be the hardest part. We are so used to speaking to fulfill some external expectation.  We speak to impress, to amuse, to argue, or to obfuscate. We rarely if ever speak honestly to share our inner experiences, avoiding uncomfortable vulnerability. But it’s time to start. Honesty and vulnerability are the path to wisdom. Sharing is completely  optional.

Be useful.

Then lastly we will Be Useful. 3 minutes each. Something you appreciated about the group experience. An action you are ready to take. A creative endeavor you want to invite others into. A blessing, a wish, an intuitive message, a benediction, a song, a jig, whatever! We will send each other on our way with love and encouragement, maybe a laugh, maybe a smile, maybe a new awareness that could feel any manner of ways. We will refrain from advice giving and “shoulds,” keeping close to our own experience.